The part-time weekend Executive MBA Programme is designed for working professionals aiming to further develop their cross-functional capabilities and improve their business skills.
Over 18 transformative months you explore the critical issues, concepts and ideas that drive business around the world. From the foundations to the practice of management and leadership, you will dig deep into what it takes to lead at a global level. And you will have the chance to translate theory into practice. Because of its flexible, part-time format, you will be able to experiment with new approaches learnt on campus back at the workplace as you progress. And your own in-company project is a unique opportunity to apply new concepts and models to a pressing, real-life challenge you and your company face.
Running across the entire experience is our Personal Leadership Development Programme, a hands-on, collaborative approach, enriched by coaching, mentorship and the very latest thinking on leadership.
Classes take place every other week on Friday evening and Saturday (+ one start week per year).