Every field of study raises a number of philosophical questions: about its foundations and methodology, its ethical and political implications, its connection with other disciplines, and its history.
Should science aim to be free of social and political influences? How should we understand scientific progress? What makes the results of science reliable or trustworthy? Thinking about such questions gives you a deeper insight in your discipline, be it physics, medicine, psychology, economics, history, or any other field of study.This unique programme of 60 ECTS gives you an additional master's degree in the philosophy of your field. We offer courses in the philosophy and history of science, skills courses to improve your writing, and tutorials in which you work with experts on the philosophy of your discipline. You will learn to participate in discussions and write texts that bridge the gap between the scientific context and philosophical or public discourses. The master thesis will focus on a topic of your choice in the field of philosophy of your specific discipline.You have the option to complete this program either before or concurrently with your other master's program. The course load is equivalent to that of a one-year program, with classes scheduled in the evenings to minimize overlap with other studies. We strive to accommodate each student's unique circumstances,