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Master of Science

Beoordeling Finance aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

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Accountancy (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 45 EC (or less) Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Actuariële Wetenschappen (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 45 EC (or less) Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Bedrijfs- en Consumentenwetenschappen (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 45 EC (or less) Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Bedrijfskunde (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
You need to have completed the minor Finance successfully.

Bestuurskunde (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
For profile Economics, PA and Management: you need to have proven equivalent academic knowledge in Intermediate Asset Pricing and Intermediate Corporate Finance. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this

Business Administration (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
You need to have proven equivalent academic knowledge in Intermediate Asset Pricing and Intermediate Corporate Finance. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Business Analytics (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
You need to have proven equivalent academic knowledge in Intermediate Asset Pricing and Intermediate Corporate Finance. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Business Engineering (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
You need to have proven equivalent academic knowledge in Intermediate Asset Pricing and Intermediate Corporate Finance. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Econometrics and Data Science (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
You need to have proven equivalent academic knowledge in Intermediate Asset Pricing and Intermediate Corporate Finance. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Econometrie en Operationele Research (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
For profiles Econometrics and Quantitative Finance.

Economics and Business Economics (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
You need to have proven equivalent academic knowledge in Intermediate Asset Pricing and Intermediate Corporate Finance. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Economie (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
You need to have proven equivalent academic knowledge in Intermediate Asset Pricing and Intermediate Corporate Finance. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Economie en Bedrijfseconomie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating

Economie en Beleid (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 45 EC (or less) Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 45 EC (or less) Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Fiscale Economie (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 45 EC (or less) Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Global Studies (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 45 EC (or less) Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Informatica (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
For profile Informatica & Economie: you need to first complete the 45 EC (or less) Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

International Business (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
You need to have completed the minor Finance successfully.

International Business Administration (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
For profile Analytical Decision-makers: you need to have proven equivalent academic knowledge in Intermediate Asset Pricing and Intermediate Corporate Finance. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this tab

Psychologie (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 45 EC (or less) Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Sociologie (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 45 EC (or less) Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Technische Bedrijfskunde (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
You need to have completed the minor Finance successfully or follow a Pre-MSc of 45 EC. For more information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Bezoekadres en postadres

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Oude Boteringestraat 44
9712 GL Groningen (Groningen)