When human rights are violated by a particular state or society, is it more effective to use national, regional or international human rights protection mechanisms to address the issue? And how do different political, social and cultural settings affect the workings of these mechanisms? These questions are a main topic in the European and International Human Rights Law programme.
Human rights are at risk in all societies. Though various national, regional and international human rights instruments have been developed to protect the human rights of all people, some of these are more effective than others in particular situations. In this programme, you will compare the functionality of different protection mechanisms that are currently in place. To this end you will not just study 'the law the books', but also 'the law in action'. You will also learn how the promotion of human rights may require different strategies indifferent political, social and cultural settings. You will also experience this during the study trip to Strassbourg and/or Geneva.
The programme takes a comparative approach to European and international human rights protection mechanisms. This helps you develop a thorough understanding of the various human rights mechanisms that are available and how to effectively put them into practice in different political and social environments.